Saturday, March 14, 2009

Thinking outside the box.

Craig’s List: Last weekend I sent John out to a yard sale advertised on Craig’s List. He came home with a bag of VHS tapes. A third of them might stand a chance of selling. In fact one did sell within 2 days. Made a dollar! Now a couple more and we will recoup our huge $4 investment. Sell a few more and might actually make something. A big experiment into the world of high $ sales.

Storage Unit Auctions: Looks like the 2nd Thursday of every month is UHaul unpaid storage unit auction day. An auctioneer travels from one UHaul location to another. An entire group of “followers” make the rounds as well.
There was no auction in Mt Juliet (paid up the day before) so I traveled to the next location – Madison because I really wanted to observe this process.
The locker is opened and everyone is allowed to walk by and look in, no touching! I wondered why some of the men were carrying humongo flashlights. Now, I know. If you want a really good look at the contents, bring a flash light.
The first (of two) was full of dusty dirty junky looking junk. It went for $40.
The second held 3 boxes, 2 large bins and a double mattress set. Sold for $70. I hope they got something worth the price!!!!!! The whole process is over in 5 minutes.

The group went on to Brentwood. I went to the Music City Thrift Store. I bought $10 worth of books and a bobble head doll. If we sell my precious purchases we may actually come out ahead by a few dollars.

Thrift Store: They all seem to have half off on a group of items (usually by color tag). We found a few things. Will try to resell.

What to buy?

That’s the question. I purchased several books off Amazon about flea market finds….I only had time to glace through one of them, but it was enough to know that a set of dishes at the thrift shop could be resold. I’ll go back Monday and see if they are half price – then it might be worth the purchase.

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